Black and White Flowers

I got to playing with Photoshop when I got home and this is the result. Don't ask me exactly what I did as I didn't record the steps. Other than the conversion to black and white there was virtually nothing else done to the images. I cloned out two or three annoying dirt spots on one of the images; the rest was done using a bit of each of the following: Gradient Map, Channel Mixer, Exposure, Blending, Curves, Levels, Unsharp Mask, and Image Size.
Beautiful black and whites. I particularly like the first one here. Lots of other good photos on your site, too. Nice work. -Paul
Thanks so much for your comment. I often wonder if anyone out there is enjoying my photo art. I try to not 'Photoshop' my color images but in the case of black and white conversion a certain amount of photoshopping is needed.
Those are beautiful also...I could use them in my kitchen *grin*
These shots are very cool...almost like that x-ray look that was big a couple of years back.
Thanks for the visit yesterday. I always love to learn new things. If I was in my right frame of mind I'd have taken notes but for some reason my note book was put away!
Hi Mrs Rule;
I don't recall the x-ray look. It must have been happening when I was pursuing other interests. Something I would like to try someday thought is infrared, that is if I can find a reasonably priced camera to convert to infrared.
I enjoyed the visit too. Anytime you want a hand give me a call.
You're welcome for the comment! I was just randomly clicking on blogs, when yours popped up. Loved the photos, so I bookmarked the page to come back every once in awhile and see what else you might post. (Love the toad, today!) I appreciate that you don't like to Photoshop too much; I always feel like the original is ... I don't know, ... somehow sacred, I guess. But sometimes, it's just gotta be done. Anyway, again, very nice photos!
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