Monday, April 02, 2007

Camera Club Field Trip - St Martins N.B. Canada

Four of us from our camera club went on a field trip Sunday April 1 2007. We had a great time as we always do. We also took a few good pictures. These pictures are in no particular order as you can tell.

Note the size of the ice in picture #2. Doesn't look very large does it? Compare it to picture #3.

I also couldn't help throwing in a 'self portrait'. No, it is not the last picture....


At April 02, 2007 9:11 PM, Blogger Mom to Kayli and Mya said...

Oh I LOVE that picture!!!!! It is adorable!!!!
Good shot! Love it!


At April 03, 2007 3:19 PM, Blogger Mom to Kayli and Mya said...

Cool pic with the rock! It looks huge...

Glad u had fun@


At April 03, 2007 3:56 PM, Blogger Paul Wood said...

I was going to lay in the rock for this self portrait but the tide had just gone out and it still had a lot of water were I was going to sit.

The young seal had just come ashore to roll in the sand and bask in the sun. We sort of interrupted his rest but he was not afraid of us. He was very good at posing for pictures and we all got a number of good ones. We all had telephoto lenses so we never really had to invade his space. The tide was coming in very fast by then and in no time he was afloat and gone to a more secluded section of the coast.


At April 05, 2007 7:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some nice shots there Paul! The lighthouses, lobster pots, covered bridges, wharves & caves are all "old hat" for St. Martins area but you managed to get some very interesting rock formations which I have missed. Thanks for the inspiration!

At April 05, 2007 8:06 PM, Blogger Paul Wood said...

Thanks Bob;

I have plenty of the usual shots to. This trip was a bit different in that we went to a few of out of the ordinary places. By the time we were ready to head home we didn't have time for anything else.

One thing I would do different is arrive there when the tide is heading out and after the sun is well past its peak. On Sunday the light was brutal, not a cloud in the sky, and we soon discovered we were either shooting into the sun or almost into it. That made picture taking a real challenge for most of the day. My most colorful pictures were taken just before we left.


At April 07, 2007 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great shots.... but who is that gorgeous redhead in one of your photos there.

At April 07, 2007 11:30 AM, Blogger Paul Wood said...

Hi Anomymous;

That gorgeous readhead is &^**((#)$)__ *$$@)(^&*#.

Hope that came through okay.



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