KV Camera Club Night Shoot

A small group of us from the KV Camera Club went out for an evening shoot Tuesday evening. Here are a few of the people pictures I took. It was so dark in some of these pictures I had a difficult time focusing the camera. In camera noise reduction was turned on.
#1 - 20 seconds F 4.5.
#2 - 5 seconds F 5.6.
#3 - 2.5 seconds F 5.6
#4 and 5 - .8 seconds F8.
Picture 4 and 5 are from the same raw image. In #5 I increased the exposure to show just how much detail there is in the dark. This detail has been captured even though there is none visible in image #4. Cropping is different between the two images because all exposure adjustments were made in raw before the image was cropped. I could have cropped in raw but when I first cropped the image I had intended on using it as a silhouette.
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