More pictures from Passekeag

Here are three more pictures I took yesterday in Passekeag.
Image #1 is a backlit Cat Tail. There were dozens of them on the side of the road blowing around in the wind. The sun shining on them from behind is what caught my eye. The wind was blowing so hard it was difficult to get a sharp picture. Since there was very little color in the image I converted it to black and white. I think it looks much better in black and white.
love today's shots. I'm not sure which is my favourite. I think if the tail lights we're not in #2 that would be my hands down favourite. I love how the little bit of light hits the track. Of course I enlarged it to get a better look. The convergence of the tracks in the distance - great effect.
Hi Mrs Rule;
I was driving home and when I passed over the tracks. I was "stopped dead in my tracks" when I glanced to my right. I just had to take the picture or I would have thought about it for the next week or two wishing I had.
I thought long and hard about the tail lights when I was taking the picture. I wanted some life in the picture and even waited a few minutes for a car to come by so I could capture that aspect. Ideally I would have liked cars going both ways but I think headlights would have subtracted much more than they would add to the scene.
Specs - 1.3 seconds, F14, Focal length 29 mm. Very little post processing done in Photoshop. I raised the shadows a teeny bit so the tracks were not ending in a black blob.
I thought about removing the power lines but I subscribe to the theory that unless something is really ugly and cannot be eliminated by repositioning the camera, if it is in the image when I take it, it stays in the image.
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