I have been very busy lately and have not had much time to take and post pictures here. I have had some of these pictures sitting in my temp folder waiting for a time when I can post them here. I guess today is the day. They are a random bunch that hopefully you will enjoy.
#1 - Rothesay Yacht Club.
#2 - Near Alma New Brunswick.
#3 - Trans Canada Highway near to Nackawic New Brunswick
#4 - Saint John Harbour
#5 - Sunset taken from the side of the 4-lane in Woodstock, New Brunswick.
#6 - Rothesay, New Brunswick
#7 - Railway bridge over the Hammond River as seen from the Hammond River Road.
#8 - Sandpiper near Redhead
#9 - Time exposure at the Rothesay Yacht Club
#10 - My back yard.