Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Odds and Ends - Again

Nova Scotia - 2007.

Nova Scotia - 2007.

The surface of the Moon or 5 Islands at low tide?

A high step down - 2007.

Saint John Port - 2008.

After Hurricane Irene - Aug 2011.

Saint John High School - 2012.

Jim Boyd & Friends at the 2012 Sculpture Symposium.

Interesting Doorway - Jan 21 2017.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

A warm summer evening.

In spite of bitter cold wind chills and blowing snow we are experiencing here today (late March) there is hope on the horizon. Here is proof that it will get better. I took this August 2007 at Meenan's Cove.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A mishmash of photos.

Sometimes my photography is all over the place. That comes from not exactly settling on any single style of photography yet. Someday I will find my place. Until I do I will continue to experiment.

Music at Rothesay Common.

Music on Prince William Street.

Ice shacks in Renforth - 2017.

Sail Boat Racing to Digby.

Ash at sunset.

Kate in the leaves.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Doorways of Saint John

Here are some older photos of doorways from a few years back. I never pass an interesting doorway without stopping to inspect it and I find I usually will make a photograph too. Sadly some of the doorways I have photographed over the years have been replaced with something new. New doorways may be more energy efficient but they sure are not as interesting.

I also photograph old door knobs. Sadly they are being replaced with new shiny ones at an alarming rate.