Friday, September 29, 2006

Recent Photos from around here

I have been sorting through my recent pictures and found a few that I think are interesting. I know a while back I promised no more boat pictures but it is really difficult not to photograph water and boats, especially when we are all but surrounded by water.

I hope to get out this week-end to photograph some of the fall colors. If I do I will post a few on Monday.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Fall Smoke

I was cleaning my back yard this afternoon and decided to burn a few branches from a dead tree I cut down the other day. I was standing there when this scene caught my eye. I don't carry my camera with me but it is never very far away...

Had to try black and white too.

Quispamsis Snapshots

I went for a short drive today and this is what caught my eye.

I don't know if the red wagon was on the front lawn of a farmer or politician. Any guesses?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Shapes at Meenan's Cove Beach

Probably not quite the shapes you were expecting to see at a beach but they caught my eye. Too bad but they were the only shapes I saw.

Kayli and I spent a couple of hours at Meenan's Cove this morning. She played in the water and I played with my camera. We both had a great time. We always do. She was soaked, I remained dry.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Saint John - Today

I managed to squeeze off a couple of pictures this morning before the rain started. I was looking for pictures of something we look at every day but seldom see. Too bad the rain chased me away. I guess that means I have to return next week and finish the assignment.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Sunset - Archives

I still have not been out taking pictures so I had to dig into my archives for two this week. The first was taken at Meenan' s Cove August 12th. The second was taken in June 2005 a little more than a month after I first got my camera. It was taken from Ed & Kim's place on Darlings Island.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Fall Ferns

As you may have noticed I have not been taking very many pictures lately. I am finally, after three weeks feeling quite ill, feeling better and will be back taking more pictures soon. This caught my eye yesterday as I was walking around my back yard.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Today's Pictures - Sept 13 2006

I was up and out of the house a bit late this morning. I guess it was almost 7:30 before I managed to drag myself out to take a few pictures. The sun had risen but the fog had not completely burned off.

#1 - "Morning Fog" There is a double meaning here if you think about it.

#2 - Fog in Meenan's Cove AND over the Kennebecasis River in the background.

#3 and #4 - Great Blue Heron fishing in Harding's Pond along the Hammond River Road. He does not seem to mind sharing space with other wildlife but he was very wary of me. I did not attempt to step out of my car for a better shot for fear of scaring him away.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Archive - October 2005

I was looking for these pictures when I came across the snow scenes I posted on Saturday. From some of the feed-back I have received I should have looked a bit harder. Anyway, here are four pictures I took at my brother's house last thanksgiving. The house was full of people but I managed to sneak away with my camera and snap a few pictures. I was trying to capture the mood of the day. I hope I succeeded.

I couldn't resist adding one of my granddaughter playing the piano. That girl can move.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Winter Scenes - January 2006

No, I was not out taking pictures this morning. In fact it is quite warm out today. Not a bit like it was the morning of Janury 24th 2006 when I took these pictures. No need to rush winter and I can wait another 5 months to take more pictures like these.

Until I am rid of this nasty bug I wil have to resort to posting some earlier pictures.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Sept 2 2006 Pictures

Rita and I went for a little field trip today. Here are a few of the pictures I took.

#1 - Algae on Ossekeag Marsh in Hampton. I knew the lighting was such when I took this picture it would look like a field of snow. There was virtually no color in the image so it was easy to convert to black and white.

#2 - Grass in the river at the Darlings Island covered bridge. Caught my eye so I thought I would see what I could do with it.

$3 & 4 - Wild roses at the the Darlings Island covered bridge. I tried to capture the dew on the pedals but the light was quite strong.

#5 - Taken from the highway looking across towards Hampton and the Lower Norton Shore Road. Not too often I have been past there when the water was so calm.

#6 - Algae and reflections in the Ossekeag Marsh. Taken pointing 90 degrees from #1.

7 & 8 - Old abandoned church in Lower Jemseg. Being used to store junk.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Meenan's Cove - Interesting Sky

I took this picture from the bridge at Meenan's Cove August 12th. I was photographing the sunset and when I looked behind me this is what I saw. I couldn't get over how blue the sky was. Almost surreal.