Sunday, April 29, 2007

From Model Farm Road - Quispamsis NB

I took these pictures along the Model Farm Road in Quispamsis.

#1 - The Comorants were resting on a log at Meenan's Cove until I stopped to take their picture.
#2 - Taken from the top of Model Farm Road looking across the Kennebecasis River to Kingston Peninsula.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Bloomfield - New Brunswick

Here are a couple of pictures I snapped yesterday in Bloomfield. I couldn't quite get in the proper location to take the reflection picture but you get the idea what I was trying for.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Not quite a silhouette but close. I was out early yesterday morning and just couldn't resist stopping and taking this picture. The color version had almost no color in it and looked more like a sepia picture than anything else. The sun was to my right and I had to get in my car to eliminate lens flair.

Monday, April 23, 2007

A few recent pictures

I haven't been particularly inspired lately but I have been taking pictures. Here are a few.
#1 - A loon fishing at the Rothesay Wharf April 19th. This has been cropped a bit as he/she was quite timid of me and the camera and wouldn't come in close for a decent shot.
#2 - I took this picture of a curious squirrel at my son's place - April 21st.
#3 - Osprey setting up housekeeping -April 21st.
#4 - Sunset over Kingston Peninsula from Meenan's Cove -April 21st.
#5 - Low flyby over my house -April 23rd. I lucked out and got the the propeller in the right position on my first try.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Mr Coon

I caught this same raccoon yesterday but he was so muddy and scared I let him go with a stern warning to not come back. Well guess who was back in the live trap again this morning? This picture was taken moments before I released him in the woods far from home near water and a field where he hopefully will find some mice to feed on. We have had a couple of incidences of total and needless deaths in the bird house next doors where several white doves, call ducks, and other foul were mercilessly slaughtered by raccoons.

Had I been unable to convince my neighbor to live trap and relocate the raccoons you can guess what would have happened to this little fellow as well as the 10 or more other raccoons that have been live trapped and relocated in the last two years.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Field Trip to Sussex New Brunswick, Canada.

On Sunday, April 15th, our camera took a field trip to Sussex. Here are a few of my pictures. There is still snow in the hills.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Camera Club Field Trip - St Martins N.B. Canada

Four of us from our camera club went on a field trip Sunday April 1 2007. We had a great time as we always do. We also took a few good pictures. These pictures are in no particular order as you can tell.

Note the size of the ice in picture #2. Doesn't look very large does it? Compare it to picture #3.

I also couldn't help throwing in a 'self portrait'. No, it is not the last picture....