Paul Wood's Photography
Comments are encouraged. Enjoy.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Mr. Toad

I have pictures of all sorts of creatures in my yard but this is the first one of Mr. Toad. He has been living in and around my pond since spring but every time I tried to get a picture he would scamper in under the stone work. Tonight I was feeding the fish and to my surprise he is so large he can't hide anymore. I went inside and got my camera and flash and captured this picture. Sorry for the harsh light but I wasn't sure how much flashing I could do before he took off on me. He doesn't look too impressed does he? He may not realize how lucky he is. Mr Snake who also lives in the rocks around the pond is a good size this year ( 3 feet or so) but I don't think he is large enough to devour him so for all intents Mr. Toad is safe....for now.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Black and White Flowers

I got to playing with Photoshop when I got home and this is the result. Don't ask me exactly what I did as I didn't record the steps. Other than the conversion to black and white there was virtually nothing else done to the images. I cloned out two or three annoying dirt spots on one of the images; the rest was done using a bit of each of the following: Gradient Map, Channel Mixer, Exposure, Blending, Curves, Levels, Unsharp Mask, and Image Size.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
What I see when I look up, or down

I love clouds. Clouds are an important part of many of the images I have taken. Sometimes clouds are interesting all by themselves, other times they add that something special to an image. Here are just a few examples.
#1, 2 and 3 - Meenan's Cove.
#4 - Sometimes looking down is more colorful than looking up - Meenan's Cove.
#5 - Taken from the Confederation Bridge on the way to PEI March 2006. A snow shower passing over the Northumberland Strait.
#6 - A panorama of the Kennebecasis River.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
After The Storm

We had a suppertime thunder shower go through yesterday. I was on my way into Saint John and stopped where it was safe to get a picture of the clouds. On my way home I realized too late the sunset had been quite beautiful too. I guess I spent too much time getting the packages together for tomorrow's Scavanger Hunt. When I was able to stop in East Riverside the beauty had all but faded. Here are a couple of the pictures I took. I returned home feeling a bit like a fisherman. All I had was the memory of the ones that got away.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Squirrels up close

I have a number of tame squirrels around here probably because I have been feeding them for the last couple of years. Here are a few close-up pictures I have taken. The young ones in the last four pictures are offspring of the squirrel in the first one. They are all more curious of the camera than scared of it. I bring in the bird feeders at night because the raccoons empty them if I don't. Every morning there are two or three squirrels on the deck waiting for me to put them back up and sometimes are in them as soon as I hang them up.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Hammond River

I went out after supper looking for sunset pictures and ended up with these.
#1 - Cruising down the river. Actually I went for the blurry look when I chose a shutter speed of 1/40".
#2 - Slowing down.
#3 - Speeding up.
#4 - Kayakers being watched by a Great Blue Heron? He took off moments after I took this picture. I need a longer telephoto lens.
#5 - I am always on the look-out for a photo opportunity. These roses caught my eye as I walked back to my car.