#1 - Taken Dec 6th of snow on a bush after the snowfall we had December 5th. I was in a bit of a rush and took this handheld not being as careful as I usually am with what was lurking in the background.
#2 - This is a picture I took last February in uptown Saint John. I was heading to St Joe's hospital for blood work and since I had some time to wander around I took my camera and tripod along. I stopped on Coburg Street where the melting snow was dripping off a roof and building up on this unfortunate shrub/weed. It was beside a blue house and the reflecting color in the snow and ice was what caught my eye. Several people passed me as I got into position to snap this picture. Every one that walked past looked at me, at what I was photographing, and then back at me and walked away shaking their heads. Most looked at me as if I were photographing dog dung. Not that day.....already did that earlier...
This is an Orton's Montage, a combination of an in-focus image and an out-of-focus image, of the exact same subject. The two images were combined/blended in Photoshop and this is the result.